Sergio Penavades

Software Engineer


I'm a Software Engineer

About me

I'm a graduate student specialized in Software Engineering looking for an intership to solve and implement software problems efficiently that requires technical and analytical skills.

Dynamic and entrepreneur with strong initiative, leadership, sense of responsibility, organization, communication and teamwork skills.

Sergio Penavades


Sergio Penavades
Chicago, United States, Earth


“Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.”
- Bruce Lee


Illinois Institute of Technology

Aug 2016 - Aug 2017

Master of Computer Science Major in Computer Science, Specialization in Software Engineering. Taking subjects related with Object Oriented Design, Software System Architectures, Testing and Analysis, Parallel and Distributed Systems, Databases, Software modeling with UML and Computer Networks. Chicago

Technical University of Madrid

Sept 2015 - Jul 2016

Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering Major focused on both technical and development management issues. I learned about strategic software business planning, software quality and program management. Madrid

Technical University of Madrid

Sept 2010 - Jul 2015

Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering The education was mainly Java-based programming, but I also learned about C, JavaScript, VHDL, MVC, UML and more. During my time in Madrid, I specialized in Information Technology. Where I learned about programming -the importance of algorithms and data sturctures-, software modeling and design. Madrid



Sep 2014 - Sep 2017

Vice President Among my responsibilities as Vice President there were organization, marketing, coordination and supervision of The Telecommunications Engineering School annual Employment and Technology Forum, targeting multinational companies and being in charge of fourteen people. Madrid |

Indra Systems

Apr 2014 - Apr 2016

Fulltime - Software Engineer Intern Indra is a world leader in the development of comprehensive technological solutions in fields such as Defense & Security, Telecommunications and Healtcare among others. I worked developing the operating firmware and software of the electronic warfare system of the A-400M Airbus aircraft. Additionally, I implemented the software for testing validation, error detection and diagnosis of systems. Madrid |


“The pursuit of knowledge is never-ending. The day you stop seeking knowledge is the day you stop growing.”
- Brandon T. Ciaccio


  • Java
  • OO Programming
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • CI/DC
  • Node.js
  • UML
  • Javascript
  • VHDL
  • SW System Arch.
  • Algorithms
  • Data Structures
  • MVC Pattern
  • Observer Pattern
  • HTLM(5)
  • CSS(3)
  • AWS
  • C
  • Python
  • Distributed Systems
  • Scala
  • Parallel IO
  • Android
  • MySQL
  • PHP
  • R


  • Spanish (Mother tongue)
  • English (Daily use)


  • IntelliJ IDEA (6 years)
  • GoCD (1 years)
  • Athom (4 years)
  • Git (5 years)
  • Jenkins(2 years)
  • JUnit (4 years)
  • JavaDoc (3 years)
  • Command Line (5 years)
  • Lab Windows (3 years)
  • ISE (4 years)
  • Microsoft Visio (1 year)


“No matter how many goals have you achieved, you must set your sights on a higher one.”
- Jessica Savitch



Java game that consists on escaping from the maze. Provides different levels of difficulty and maze sizes, and a scores persistent system.

Java, OOD, Softaware Engineering.

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Intiutive Library App

Library Management App that will provide institutions an essential tool to increase usability, performance and productivity of their libraries.

javascript, Node.js, PosgreSQL, Express.js.

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Java game that consists on a two players chess.

Java, OOD, Softaware Engineering.

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Blog Engine

Engine of a blog publishing service, with user management, comments and post system. Developed using Node.js and Express.

Javascript, Node.js, Express.js, MySQL, HTML5.

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“ Communication - the human connection - is the key to personal and career success.”
- Paul J. Meyer